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pursuant to Art. 13 European Regulation 679/2016, and to give consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes indicated therein and to be aware that, in the absence of consent to such processing, the provisions indicated in the aforementioned Information may apply.
I declare that what has been compiled corresponds to the truth, pursuant to art. 76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000 in case of false declarations and falsity in the acts, pursuant to art. 46 and 47 D.P.R. 8/12/2000 n. 445
I declare that I am of legal age according to current legislation
SI, desidero ricevere materiale informativo e/o promozionale relativo ai nostri servizi. Potrai comunque disiscriverti in futuro attraverso la procedura automatica presente nelle mail promozionali.
NO grazie, non desidero ricevere materiale informativo e/o promozionale relativo ai nostri servizi.